About Us
Hello! My name is Tiana, and I am the founder and owner of Time To Be. Candle. This company was a happy accident. In Sept of 2021 I was struggling and needed to find an outlet. I came across a video teaching how to make a candle. I of course thought, "I CAN DO THAT! ". That day I ordered some wax, wicks, oil, and a few containers. Once they arrived, I got to work, and you know what? That very first candle was AWFUL! Wrong wax, wick, oil, and container. By all standards I had failed miserably, but I was so proud of my little kitchen candle. And I felt inspired to continue. As I learned more about the candle making process, I was shocked by the toxic additives were found in so many candles. When the ingredients lists were small paragraphs long, I realized there was a need for cleaner candles. In February of 2022 I signed up for my first market and I since then I haven't looked back.
Time to Be Candle Company is a small business located in The Hudson Valley, NY. All of our candles are handmade with Virgin Coconut + Soy Wax which makes them eco-friendly, sustainable, and slow burning. We pride ourselves on hand-picking our fragrances and delivering a product we can be proud of.
Meet Tiana
Hello and thank you for visiting my website! My name is Tiana, and I am the founder of Time to Be Candle Co. One day I saw a video on candle making and I thought it looked fun. I had no idea that this 3-minute video would snowball into an actual business. Candle-making is therapeutic for me. It's a period that I can focus on what I’m doing and forget about stressful things.
When it came time to name my company I went back and forth between names. I decided to google what the most popular noun is in the English language, and I found the word "Time" then I searched for the most popular verb, "To Be". I thought what a lovely notion, taking time to just be and exist in a moment.
I want my candles to inspire others to take some time out of their day, take a deep breath, and just be. I also love when I can remind someone of a sweet memory. I had a customer pick up a candle and after she smelled it, she said it reminded her of her home when she was growing up and she has missed that smell. It's moments like that I am reminded of why I do this. It also allows me to connect with others in a way I may not have. I've had other moments just like the one above and I look forward to many more.